Author Archives: Admin - Soul Body Whole

Receive Prayer Alerts

You’ve joined the 24/7 prayer band. Praise the Lord! You don’t know how comforting and encouraging it has been to see your name show up, letting us know that you’re on board! May God bless you and draw you so very close to Him as we press together, unitedly praying for Pastor Lewis’s complete healing! We thank you and praise the Lord for your care.

Now, if you would like to receive alerts of immediate prayer requests as they arise, please register your email one more time. (If you already received the email asking for prayer for Pastor’s breathing/lungs, as long as someone didn’t forward it to you but you received it directly from us, then you’re already registered.)

This figurine has become one of our most treasured gifts. (Thank you, Elder. 🙏🏾 )

This powerful image represents what we’re about—earnest prayer! Every time I see it I am moved to pray! And the Lord welcomes us into His holy presence. Let us pray! Pray! Pray!

Pray without Ceasing – A Men’s Prayer Journal

Pray Without Ceasing: A Men’s Prayer Journal includes 100 lined pages to record Scripture verses and reflections on the Word to guide your walk with God and strengthen your faith.

STEPHEN D. LEWIS, great-great grandson of former slave, Ellen Stewart, learned Kum Ba Yah around a campfire in California’s Angeles National Forest. Prayer has since become his life’s theme. “Our physical responsibility is to pray,” he says; “then get off our knees and act out what God has already done. Prayer is the work!” He is happily married to his “beautiful wife.” Together, their interest and aim is to “finish the work” so that we all can go home! Find bonus resources at

A perfect companion for individual worship or for men’s group Bible study.